By |2023-05-05T10:56:05+00:0011 April 2023|

The installation of a new laminate cutting machine has recently begun. The machine, manufactured by the Austrian company IMA Schelling, is fully automatic right from the loading phase, thus reducing material handling by the machine operator. The introduction of this new machinery will significantly increase Com.Int.El.'s production capacity. Installation of the machine is not yet [...]

First ISO 9001:2015 certification for Com.Int.El.

By |2023-01-12T08:38:07+00:0022 December 2022|

After a long reorganisation process, Com.Int.El. achieved an important goal and obtained its first ISO 9001:2015 certification. The company has always worked with a view to achieving full customer satisfaction, but in recent years felt the need to initiate a reorganisation process of its activities in order to improve its productivity. Every department was involved [...]

ERP software implementation

By |2023-01-12T08:27:29+00:0030 June 2022|

Com.Int.El. has decided to implement its management software. The software, which is currently used mainly for administrative/accounting and commercial management, will be extended to the production department, thereby increasing productivity and reducing the margin for possible human error. At the end of the implementation process, the production department will be equipped with online terminals on [...]

Installation on lifters for cutting department

By |2023-01-11T16:09:19+00:0009 September 2018|

Com.Int.El. has recently completed the installation of two lifters for lifting prepreg rolls. The two machineries, installed respectively in the cooling room and in the department near the cutting machine, will help the operator in lifting, moving and positioning the roll on the machine. In this way, the company fulfills not only its obligations in [...]

Com.Int.El. goes green

By |2023-01-11T14:28:12+00:0029 July 2018|

L’ambiente è da sempre un tema caro a Com.Int.El.. Per questo nell’ultimo anno ha deciso di investire parte del proprio utile non solo in nuovi macchinari ma anche in soluzioni ecosostenibili, come l’installazione di pannelli fotovoltaici. Grazie a questo investimento, avviato in collaborazione con la Provincia Autonoma di Trento, che ha riguardato dapprima gli [...]

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